
Care facilities and job information

Care Partners Inc.

Care Partner Oizumi

  • Care Partner Oizumi Image
  • Care Partner Oizumi Image
  • Care Partner Oizumi Image

For specific skills and international students

Since this is a day service position, there are no night shifts. You can lead a regular life by working only day shifts.
We have senior Vietnamese staff who will fully support you after joining the company!
*Housing support is only available to overseas residents.

Equipment outline

The day care service has a capacity of around 60 people. We have staff of a wide range of ages, from their 20s to their 60s.
The job involves assisting customers at the day service center with bathing, eating, and recreation.

6-11-1 Nishioizumi, Nerima-ku, TokyoView map

Established date March 1, 2010
Service Type
  • Day care facility
Number of users 64名
Registration date: August 7, 2024 Update date: September 6, 2024

Job Information
Registration date: August 7, 2024 Update date: September 6, 2024

Recruitment details

Job Type Care workers
Employment status


job description

At the day service center, you will be providing assistance with daily life (meals, bathing, etc.), functional training (exercise), and recreation.


Hourly wage (hourly wage: 1,212 yen, monthly wage (example): 193,920 yen)


Twice a year *Based on bonus table for each evaluation

Severance pay


Salary increase Yes
Various allowances

Commuting allowance (actual expenses paid, up to 40,000 yen per month), overtime allowance (paid in 1-minute increments)

Expected annual salary in the first year of employment



Complete social insurance (employment, health, industrial accident, welfare pension)

Housing provision
  • Rented company housing
Educational system and training

・Qualification acquisition support system (practitioner training, etc.)

Working hours

Shift system (e.g. ①8:00-17:00 ②8:30-17:30 ③9:15-18:15)


Two days off per week

Long and special holidays

·New Year holiday
·paid holiday
·special holiday
・Celebration and condolence leave
・Maternity leave
·Childcare leave
・Nursing care leave

Application Requirements

・Pass the Specified Skills Assessment Test (caregiving)
・Japanese language proficiency level N3 or above

Selection Process

① (WEB) Company information session and first interview

② (Face-to-face) Business site tour and second interview


Care Partner Oizumi

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