privacy policy

Handling of Personal Information

Name of business operator

Adecco Co., Ltd.

Personal Information Protection Manager

Operating officer

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

  1. (1) Your personal information will be used only for the purposes set out below in order to properly operate Kaigo Passport Tokyo (commonly known as KaiTo) (hereinafter referred to as the "public work project"), a project commissioned to our company by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
    1. ① To properly manage and carry out public works projects
    2. ② To process business related information sessions, seminars, website operation, operation management, and other business-related matters hosted by our company.
    3. ③ To conduct, compile and analyze surveys
    4. ④ To cooperate with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and its wards, cities, towns and villages (hereinafter referred to as "local governments") in promoting employment in the nursing profession.
    5. ⑤ To promote cooperation between nursing care businesses, registered support organizations and other organizations coordinating the acceptance of foreign workers, overseas sending organizations, and job promotion, etc.
    6. ⑥ To manage website content and provide information
    7. ⑦ To provide various services associated with public works projects
  2. (2) In addition to the above, if you wish, we will contact you for the following purposes.
    1. ① To distribute e-mail newsletters related to public works projects
    2. ② To provide you with information about services provided by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
  3. (3) When making inquiries or receiving contact from our company, the contents of the conversation may be recorded in order to ensure an accurate record of the content and to improve the quality of telephone response.

Provision of information to third parties

  1. (1) The acquired personal information will be provided within the scope of the purposes of use stipulated in ④ and ⑤ of “Purpose of Use of Personal Information” (1) as follows:

    (1) ④ Providing information to local governments

    • Provided to: Tokyo Metropolitan Government and its wards, cities, towns and villages
    • Items of personal information provided: Name / Date of birth / Phone number / Email address / Survey responses
    • Means or method of provision: Electronic data concealed by encryption, etc., attached to an e-mail or in writing

    (1) ⑤ Providing information to nursing care facilities, etc.

    • Recipients: Nursing care facilities, acceptance coordination organizations, sending organizations, etc. participating in this program
    • Items of personal information provided: Name / Date of birth / Phone number / Email address / Survey responses
    • Means or method of provision: Electronic data concealed by encryption, etc., attached to an e-mail or in writing
  2. (2) In addition to the preceding paragraph, personal information acquired will not be provided to third parties without consent, except as required by law.

Regarding consignment of personal information

When outsourcing all or part of the handling of personal information to an external party, we will select a contractor that can ensure a sufficient level of protection for personal information and will outsource the work only after concluding a non-disclosure agreement.

Disclosure and correction

If we receive a request from the person himself/herself or his/her agent to notify the purpose of use of personal information, disclose, correct, add, or delete, suspend or erase the use, or suspend provision to a third party, we will respond in accordance with our company's procedural regulations. However, we may not be able to respond to your request if it would interfere with our business, etc.

Acquisition of personal information through methods that the individual cannot easily recognize

  1. (1) Cookies information
    If you apply for this event or use the services provided by our company via a website set up by a public project (hereinafter referred to as "this website"), cookies will be used to obtain information to provide you with more useful services and for session management. No personally identifiable information will be collected at that time. Users can refuse cookies sent from this site in their browser settings, but in that case, they will not be able to receive some of the services provided by this service. Please refer to the instructions for your browser for information on cookie settings.
  2. (2) About security cameras
    We have offices where we film for security purposes; however, the footage obtained at these offices will never be linked to any personally identifiable information, except in cases related to crime prevention.

Portrait rights

We may use videos and photographs of users on our website, pamphlets, notices, newsletters, etc.

Contact point for complaints, inquiries, disclosure requests, etc. regarding the handling of personal information
